Building an aquarium lid at home
While others consider fish tank top covers indispensable tank accessories, these are some hobbyists who forgo them. Aquarium lids help in preventing fish from jumping out of tanks as well as in maintaining thermal stability inside and also slows the rate of evaporation. Aquarium lids are easily available commercially, but a lot of aquarium hobbyists build their own. By using an acrylic sheet, rather than glass, you can allow much light to penetrate into the tank. Step 1 Use a measuring tape to measure the rim of your aquarium. Be careful while measuring the outside dimensions, as the lid covers the rim on all sides. Step 2 Draw a clear outline of the aquarium rim on the acrylic using a permanent marker or a felt-tip pen, making the straightedge as a guide. In practice, the markings should prisicely be made on the protective film covering the acrylic so that it comes off when you are done. If the film is not there, use a masking tape for covering the general area where...