How To Setup A Fish Tank?

 So, if you’ve committed yourself to the fish life, and already have a fish tank to set up, then we will help you establish a healthy environment for your new fish family member. Let’s get started.

Some Fishtank fast facts

  • Cloudiness in the tank in the starting few weeks is fine; it will fade away with time. It occurs due to the spiking of ammonia spikes, which is a part of the normal tank cycling process.

  • Leave your tank to cycle over a couple of weeks before adding the babies inside. But, if you particularly want to add your fish immediately, you must be following a specific process.

  • Always make sure that you keep your tank water at a constant temperature; even a two-degree fluctuation can cause significant stress to the fish.

Step-by-step fish tank set up

Remove tank/aquarium from the box

Carefully remove your tank, aquarium screen lids, and other delicate stuff from its box and place all of it in a safe spot. Build the stand and add some background to the tank in the space provided.

Put your tank in position

Now is the time to place your tank in its designated area. Doing this will be much more convenient and safer than when it is very heavy, i.e. full of water.

Rinse all gravel and ornaments

With some hot water (chemicals or soaps free), rinse your gravel thoroughly along with any other ornaments you might have purchased. Now, place them in the tank by adding the gravel carefully and slowly and ensure that it doesn’t hit the bottom too hard and cause damage.

Fill your tank

Fill it with tap water. You can even use a hose if available. Remember to begin filling the tank steadily to avoid any sort of cloudiness from your gravel.

Turn on the filter

After completing all the above steps, turn on all electrical equipment associated with your tank. (The light can stay off for this very moment).

Put in the treatments

Read all instructions carefully on your treatment bottles to make sure that you are adding the correct dosage to your tank and then add in all treatments accordingly. After doing so close the polycarbonate fish tank lid.

Let the tank cycle

You are done and now is the time for allowing your tank to cycle and create a healthy biological filter before adding in the fish. This may stretch up to one month. To start the cycle, add a nice pinch of fish food to the tank water which will break down into ammonia, and products promoting the bacteria will start acting.

If there comes any difficulty in the process or any part gets damaged call your vendor to get it done. It can be anything ranging from fish tank lid replacement to repairing the temperature controller.


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